UNBLOCK creativity. TRANSFORM your life.

A 12-week Creative Experience

Do you want…





















‘The Creative Experience’

What it is

A 12-week Online Group Creative Experience

Tap into your greatest creative potential and break free from creative blocks. Immerse yourself in a transformative journey of self-expression and flow.

This experience is your gateway to a life of boundless creativity and profound personal growth.

*limited to a max of 12 intentionally selected people.

What to expect

This is an interactive group experience that encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself toward your wildest dreams. We’ll begin by bringing awareness to any barriers holding you back, and then identify your current creative or life goal to use as a compass for our 12 weeks together.

Together we’ll be playing in our creativity, while working on mindset and making courageous actions in taking ownership of your life.

Each week, we’ll meet online for 90-minute group sessions. You’ll also receive weekly supportive content to integrate your learnings and expand your perspective. Optional 60-minute creative workshops will be facilitated every month, to give you the opportunity to explore different modalities. These can include intuitive painting, visual journaling, collage, and creative writing.

‘Divers in Sicily, Italy’ 1982 by Ferdinando Scianna

A One-of-a-Kind Experience

The Creative Experience is not just a creative retreat.

It's a transformative journey that combines creativity with mindfulness to unlock your fullest potential. Unlike a creative retreat, where the focus might be solely on producing art, our experience delves deep into the state of being from which you create. True creativity flourishes when your mind and spirit are aligned, free from the blocks and biases that often hinder expression.

The 12-week experience will be a playground to explore & engage in creative practices, connect with inspirations, & expand your thinking.

While creating, we’ll explore different perspectives on how to approach your creative practice, as well as some common blocks that keep us from flourishing.

True creativity flourishes when you're in the right state of being. You will learn powerful tools to break down internal barriers, discovering new realms of creativity within yourself, so that you create from a place of clarity, presence, and infinite possibility.

Benefits & Results
Participants often find that the benefits of this experience ripple out into every aspect of life. You'll likely experience more joy, less stress, and greater alignment with your goals. With newfound confidence, you'll take bold actions, discover what truly matters, and reshape your life in powerful ways.

Holistic Transformation
This experience isn’t just about art; it’s about transforming how you approach every part of your life. By challenging old patterns & stepping into a creative state, you'll begin crafting a future guided by your aspirations, not past limitations. This experience will nurture both your inner & outer worlds, offering a holistic transformation.

What’s Included

  • Every week for 12 weeks, we'll come together on Zoom for a 90-minute live group session.

    Led by Kate, the sessions will follow a structured approach rooted in science, creativity, and mindfulness, with space for play, exploration, and expanding possibilities.

  • Each week following our session, you'll receive supportive material—worksheets, exercises, video & audio content—to integrate and apply your learnings, expand your understanding, and further your personal growth.

    Expect to commit approximately 3-4 hours per week in order to get the most from the experience: 2 hours for the live group meeting and post-session reflection, plus another 1-2 hours for readings, exercises, and integration.

  • Each month, you're invited to an optional creative workshop. While attendance is not mandatory, participants find joy exploring their creativity, experimenting with new perspectives, and building genuine connections with fellow creatives.

    The workshops feature a range of themes and may include intuitive painting, visual journaling, sketching, poetry and creative writing.

  • The essence of the Creative Experience lies in its community. You'll engage with a carefully-selected, close-knit group of supportive individuals who share similar dreams and challenges.

    By tapping into the collective wisdom, skills, and intuition, you'll amplify your personal journey.

    "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

  • Receive personalized support to dig deep and get the most out of our 12 weeks together with a 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with Kate.

    **Participants who sign up for The Creative Experience by September 30 will receive a complimentary 1:1 coaching call with Kate as an early bird bonus. Otherwise, a 1:1 coaching call can be added on for $250.

    1:1 calls can be scheduled at any time before or during the creative experience.

The Details

12 weeks
(online via zoom)

begins Oct 6
ends Dec 22

9-10:30 AM (ET)

$2,200 or
3 payments of $800

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

Does this resonate?

You want to express yourself freely

but have high expectations for yourself.

You feel creatively frustrated

causing frustration in other areas of your life.

You want to paint or write again

but often put it off or it’s no longer enjoyable.

You want to be creative

but don’t have the time.

You want to create more

but looking at a blank page is frightening.

You know you are creative

but feel overwhelmed or second guess yourself.

You want to share your creative work

but worry what others think.

You have a creative job

but lost the spark for personal projects.

You want to explore more possibilities

but don’t trust yourself.

You want to feel that excitement you used to feel

but feel disconnected or don’t know where to start.

You have lots of screenshots & Pinterest boards of things that inspire you

but still find it difficult to create anything yourself.

♥︎ Together, we can shift this ♥︎

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

- Lewis Carroll

About Kate

“I believe everyone can expand their creativity and explore a new way of being.”

  • I'm a lover of all things creative and expressive. I play in my creativity in many forms, from visual arts to music & movement.

    My daily creative practice typically includes paints, scissors, and found objects. Currently, I also gravitate toward photography, collage, textiles, and string instruments.

    My biggest creative project is my life and community, as I value connection and honest self-expression.

  • I am a creative, since birth.

    I am an educator, since 2001.

    I am a community builder, since 2010.

    For years, I thrived as a professional photographer in fine art, fashion, branding, and editorial. Despite celebrating successes, I found true fulfillment only after starting communities and facilitating workshops focused on creativity and mindfulness during a creative sabbatical.

    My latest creation is a conscious creative community, meeting monthly to nurture creativity and connection. It was there, through deep conversations with creatives like yourself, where I was inspired to create The Creative Experience, a 12-week online group experience.

  • Personal growth and expansion have always been important to me.

    But it wasn't until I began working with great mentors, that my life transformed. They give me the tools to change my thought patterns and beliefs, accelerate my success, and expand possibilities beyond previously imagined. This led to profound changes in every area—wellbeing, relationships, career, spirituality. True transformation is not just possible, but inevitable with the right support. In transforming my life to another level, committing and investing in myself has been key.

    Through my experiences and the insights gained from working closely with my mentors, you’ll benefit from their teachings as well. I’m excited to share this knowledge with you.

    My mentors include:

    I am also inspired by the teachings of Byron Katie (The Work), Julia Cameron (The Artist Way), Steve Chandler, Steve Hardison, Ram Dass, human design, and gene keys.

  • My Business Manifesto & Life Manifesto are the same, a collection of teachings (in no particular order) that I practice to embody every day.

    ◦ I am the creator of my experiences, I take 100% responsibility for my life--including my circumstances, results, and relationships.

    ◦ I am responsible for my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    ◦ I am committed to curiosity and learning over being defensive or needing to be right.

    ◦ I am dedicated to maintaining integrity in all my interactions.

    ◦ I am resilient and proactive in finding solutions in the face of challenges.

    ◦ I am mindful of the impact my choices have on myself and others.

    ◦ I am accountable for my goals and take consistent steps to achieve them.

    ◦ I am focused on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.

    ◦ I am committed to incorporating rest, play, and rejuvenation into my life.

    ◦ I am honest with myself and others.

    ◦ I am committed to creating and expressing genuine appreciation regularly.

    ◦ I am dedicated to living in alignment with my values, agreements, and commitments.

Love Notes ♥︎

Still unsure?

Schedule an inquiry call with Kate.

I want you to feel certain that this experience will be the best investment you make this year. If you have any questions or just want to get to know the person who will be facilitating your creative experience, book a call with me.


  • Don't consider yourself a creative person? Perfect. This is the perfect opportunity to experience a container, where you are encouraged to lean into your intuition, explore a new way of being, and explore different forms of self-expression.

    This experience is for everyone, regardless if you see yourself as a creative person or not. The only prerequisite is curiosity and the openness to explore your inner landscape and expand.

    Creativity isn't just about art or design—it's about self-expression, interacting and connecting with the world around us, problem solving. Creativity is a vital tool for navigating life. Whether you're figuring out how to approach a challenge, expressing your feelings, or creating the future you want, creativity is at the heart of it all.

    And here’s the thing: everyone has creativity within them. It’s not about being an artist or a writer; it’s about tapping into your innate ability to innovate, adapt, and grow.

    This experience is designed to help you discover and nurture that creative spark within you. You'll learn how to use creativity to create flow, reduce stress, gain clarity, and courageously design the life you truly want. So yes, this experience is absolutely for you—no matter how you currently view your creativity.

  • The Creative Experience is not just a creative retreat. It's a transformative journey that blends creativity with mindfulness to unlock your fullest potential. Unlike a creative retreat, where the focus might be solely on producing creative work, our experience delves deep into the state of being from which you create. Creativity flourishes when your mind and spirit are aligned, free from the blocks and biases that often hinder expression.

    Here, you'll not only engage in creative practices but also learn powerful tools for self-inquiry and reprogramming negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. By breaking down internal barriers and expanding your thinking beyond what you once believed possible, you'll discover new realms of creativity within yourself. Creativity is like tending to a garden—before you can grow something beautiful, you must first clear away the weeds, enrich the soil, and then plant with intention. The Creative Experience will guide you through that essential process, ensuring that when you create, it comes from a place of clarity, presence, and limitless possibility.

    While you may join this retreat to unleash your creativity and step into your most powerful creative self, the benefits often ripple out into other aspects of life. Participants frequently experience more joy, less stress, greater alignment with their goals, and a newfound fearlessness that drives them to take bold actions. They discover what truly matters and begin to reshape their lives accordingly.

    Being in a creative state isn't just about your art—it's about how you approach every part of your life. It's the opposite of living on default, where you unconsciously run programs shaped by early life experiences, leading to the same results over and over. Only by entering a creative state can you start rewriting those old programs, creating a future that's designed by your aspirations and not dictated by your past.

    If you're seeking an experience that nurtures both your inner and outer worlds and equips you to live more creatively in all areas of life, this is the experience you've been looking for.

  • This Creative Experience is a unique opportunity tailored specifically for our participants. While I may offer it again next year, there's no guarantee it will be available. If it is, the content will be new and different. As this is our inaugural launch, it is being offered at the lowest price it will ever be. If you're interested, now is the best time to join.

    "Action is the foundational key to all success." – Pablo Picasso

  • Our first group session is on October 6, and our last session is on December 22.

    Applicants can apply as early as September 1, and should apply at least 3 days prior to the start date. It is strongly encouraged to apply early as cohort size is limited to 12 people, and acceptance is based upon a rolling admission.

    Plus, it will give you time to reflect on the pre-work before our first session on October 6.

    Live sessions are every Sunday at 9 AM ET.

  • Every week for 12 weeks, 90-minute group sessions.

    Additionally, every month, there will be an optional 75-minute creative workshop. Although these are optional, it's a great way to apply your newly expanded creativity through different mediums such as intuitive painting, visual journaling, collage, creative writing, etc.

  • At most, 12 intentionally curated participants.

    I believe in quality > quantity.

  • To make the most out of this experience, I suggest dedicating around 3-4 hours each week (2 hours for the live group session and post-call reflection, and another 1-2 hours for readings, exercises, and reflections).

  • Sessions are not recorded unless requested by the group.

  • Commitment is essential for transformation.

    If I told you that you would receive $50,000 for participating in all live sessions, would you still be asking this question?

    If you knew attending all the live sessions would transform your life, would you commit to being there?

    This is an investment in yourself, and your life is worth more than any monetary value.

  • Committed clients have found many creative ways to invest in themselves. They take action—and it’s truly worth the effort.

    The transformation you’ll achieve through this experience will be so extraordinary that you’ll feel it’s worth three times the investment!

  • Since we are all unique, results vary with each individual. Here is a list of my personal transformation and the transformations of those I've served:

    ◦ Unleashed Creativity

    ◦ More Joy, Peace, and Flow

    ◦ Enhanced Self-Awareness

    ◦ Increased Confidence

    ◦ Clarified Vision and Goals

    ◦ Overcoming Creative Blocks

    ◦ Better Decision-Making

    ◦ Stronger Accountability

    ◦ Increased Motivation and Passion

    Also, feel free to read my client's testimonials, as it's much more personal to hear from them directly.

    If you still have questions if The Creative Experience is right for you, schedule a call or send me an email. I want you to feel 100% sure about investing in yourself!

  • No one can. I can only speak for myself and for the others I've seen transform their lives.

    What I can promise is this—I am 100% committed to serving you powerfully, and if your commitment matches mine, this will be the best investment you make this year.

    100% commitment = 100% results

  • I want you to feel incredible about your decision to invest in yourself. If you are still unsure, schedule a call with me.

    You can also attend one of my creative workshops. Please email me for details.

“You are the artist of your life. Don’t hand the paintbrush to anyone else.”